We are delighted to be talking today to the very talented Kellie Heinze. Having been to a couple of karaoke bars with Kellie it is common knowledge that she can belt out a ballad without breaking a sweat. Her cheery disposition is always a pleasure to have in the office and over the next 60 seconds we find out a little more about her.
1. What is your role at ClearSpace?
Head of Marketing. I manage the website, updating it with the latest trends/insights, I run the blog, and manage our new business campaigns marketing our core services.
2. What’s the best bit of your working day?
The people I work with. It’s really fun and flexible at ClearSpace and I have full autonomy over my area but also plenty of support.
3. Who is your hero?
Ooh, tough one. For one, my Mum for various reasons. Secondly, Tina Turner – She lost all of her money to her husband when she left him because it was all tied up in the Ike and Tina band. She walked away with only her stage name – I’m sure everyone knows the story. Basically, she built herself back up doing multiple shows a night in Vegas for years as a solo artist and got a number one record with ‘What’s love got to do with it?’. What an inspiration.
4. What was the last film you watched and what did you think of it?
I think it was, ‘What’s Your Number?’ – it’s a rom-com, it's crude and it's funny. It’s one of my favourite films. I had it on in the background while I was doing the housework the other day.
5. How has the move to hybrid working affected you?
I’ve found it really positive. I remember the day we were told that we would be working from home for the next two weeks - 16th of March 2020. I haven’t looked back. I wouldn’t want to be full time in the office. I’m a mum of two and remote working gives me a really good work life balance.
6. When you do come into the office how do you pass the time on your commute?
Good question! Mainly on Netflix! I’m currently rewatching Schitts Creek. Or I read a book. A bit of both. I really appreciate that time to myself. The one thing I miss about coming in to the office is that and the exercise. It’s harder to keep your steps up working from home. Although I do now schedule in a lunch break which usually involves a walk with my sausage dog Hugo.
7. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If I didn’t have to worry about balance, I love a Katsu curry but I might have to go for fish with some potatoes and veg. My Mum was always very keen on a meat, carb and veg balanced meal when we were growing up and that's stuck with me.
8. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
Probably the 60s. I’d go visit my nan when she was in her 20s. She was wild!
9. What are you most proud of in your career?
The studying I’ve done part time outside of work to help progress my career. My degree with The Open University and my marketing qualification with CIM. It was hard work but I’m really proud of those achievements.
10. What was the last gig you went to?
Ed Sheeran at Wembley. Brilliant. His voice had gone though so he was a bit husky.
11. What’s the most interesting thing you can see from where you are now?
*Looks around office* Probably looking into the offices opposite us. That sounds a bit creepy. Take that out!
12. What’s the most important factor in a good working environment?
13. What’s the thing you’re most excited for at ClearSpace?
WhereUApp? Which is our new app for remote workers which shares colleagues’ whereabouts for the week ahead… more info to follow.
14. What makes you laugh the most?
This is going to sound a bit soppy but my husband is really funny. Although, the US Office has many LOL moments.
Kellie Heinze is one member of the ClearSpace management team. To learn more about the team the company, visit our About Us page.
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